
Protect Your Dividend Stock Investing Profits from Crisis

 Dividend stock investing risk. It may take 6 years for the stock to recover

It may take 6 to 26 years for a dividend stock to recover after you invested in it.


Here you find 3 tactics that you can choose from when you invest in dividend stocks and a stock market crisis may lie around the corner. Imagine that you are investing in Procter & Gamble; one of these well-known dividend stocks and one of the 30 stocks in the Dow Jones.

Top 7 Personal Finance and Stock Investing Articles September 2011

Top 7 Personal Finance and Stock Investing Articles August 2011


Here are the top 7 articles on Personal Finance and Stock Market Investing from the first half of September 2011.

These articles have appeared on various blogs. They are selected because of their diversity and the useful information that they provide to the readers. The writers of these posts are independent and not related to the Stock Trend Investing blog.

This is How You Protect Your Cash Savings from this Currency Crisis

Protect Savings from the Currency Crisis

International diversification to protect your savings against a currency crisis.


Between September the previous year and June this year, Pedro had lost 74% of his savings measured in dollars. He was holding the savings of his family in cash. Stock markets were falling all over the world. Inflation was shooting up and live was becoming much more expensive every day. It was crisis.

Investing Guides to Financial Freedom

The Investing Guide and Road to Financial Freedom was born here.

Place of birth for “The Investing Guide and Road to Financial Freedom”.

This is good. It is 6.30 am on a Thursday morning. The sun is just rising and I’m thinking about my new project: writing “The Investing Guide and Road to Financial Freedom”. In the mornings I do my best thinking… especially when I am walking on a quiet beach with my feet in the sea.

High Dividend Funds during Bear and Bull Markets

High Dividend Funds during Bear and Bull Markets
Performance comparison between High Dividend Fund and the general index.

Will High Dividend Funds outperform an index like the S&P 500 during bear markets, during bull markets or all the time?

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