- For Which of these US Indices do You Want to See Free of Charge the Monthly Updated Trend Investing Analysis? - 416 votes - closed
- How many hours you want to spend maximum per month on your stock market investments? - 351 votes - open
- Will you take the next action to bring you one step closer to getting the results that you desire from your investments? - 7 votes - open
- Do you think it is possible to improve the returns on your investments while spending maximum one hour per month on it? - 21 votes - open
- For how many individual companies do you have sufficient time available to do the necessary home work? - 16 votes - open
- Have your investments in mutual funds brought you the results that you expected? - 11 votes - open
- When you think about trends in the stock market, do you think in terms of hours, days, weeks, months or years? - 19 votes - open
- How often do you review your portfolio of stock market investments? - 15 votes - open
- What type of information do you use most to decide to buy or sell your investments in the stock market? - 10 votes - open
- What returns have you made on average annually on your stock market investments during the last 10 years? - 10 votes - open
- What percentage of your stock investments is outside your own currency zone? - 12 votes - open