<Dear visitor. Our service is only for investors who understand the performance that can be achieved with this type of trend signals. Below shows the dates and level that the S&P 500 turned.
Date MATI Turn S&P500
2020/04/06 Up 2664
2020/03/12 Down 2481
2016/03/11 Up 2022
2016/01/07 Down 1943
2015/11/02 Up 2104
2015/09/22 Down 1943
2012/01/30 Up 1313
2011/11/18 Down 1216
2010/06/14 Up 1090
2010/03/23 Down 1174
2009/06/23 Up 895
2009/05/29 Down 919
2009/03/17 Up 778
2008/02/22 Down 1353
2003/05/14 Up 939
2002/11/12 Down 883
2002/10/15 Up 881
2002/09/04 Down 893
2002/08/09 Up 909
2001/11/02 Down 1087
2001/10/09 Up 1057
2001/05/31 Down 1256
2001/04/11 Up 1166
2001/02/09 Down 1315
1997/10/20 Up 956
Not every move is always positive, like in the 2nd half of 2002 till Q1 2003 and end 2011. However avoiding the down trends in 2008 and 2001 compensates for all this.
Therefore, we do not update the performance records below. You can make your own calculations. Just be aware that our Gold Membership and S&P 500 Email alert services are still available as normal. This is just an explanation why the page below is not updated till todate. But please check the historic records below to see what to expect.>
The MATI Trend Signal shows the best performance and highest returns of all the Stock Trend Investing trend signals. By following this signal, you would have moved out of the market in time and avoided the market crashes of 1987, 1998, 2001 and 2008.
For the period from 1998 till 2012, you would have gained over 300% higher returns by following the MATI Trend Signal compared to buying and holding an S&P 500 Index Fund (see chart below).

Click on the chart to see a larger version.
MATI Trend Signal (red) beats S&P 500 (blue) by over 300%.
The MATI Trend Signal indicates when to step in the market and when to move out of the market. On average, you only buy or sell twice per year when you follow the MATI Trend Signal.
Note that since the beginning of 2012, the MATI is pointing up and MATI trend followers have made the same returns as the S&P 500. Read more here.
Historical Performance for 10-Year Periods
The table below shows the performance of the MATI Trend Signal versus the S&P 500 for all 10-year periods from 1992 to 2011. The “Difference’ column shows how much higher your returns are when you follow the MATI Trend Signal.
On average the S&P 500 provides a return of 70.8% for a 10-year period. The MATI Trend Signal provides a return of 180.7%. Thus, following the MATI offers 109.8% more return on investment than buying and holding the S&P 500.

Get 109.8% higher return on investment when following the MATI Trend Signal compared to buying and holding S&P 500.
Historical Annual Results
The table below shows the annual performance of the MATI Trend Signal versus the S&P 500. Note that with the MATI you avoid the biggest annual downturns in the S&P 500.

The MATI provides on average a 4.6% higher annual return on investment compared to the S&P 500.
This 4.6% higher annual return may not seem such a big difference. Just remember that with such a better return, year over year, this results in getting a performance that is over 300% better when compounded over 14 years like in the chart above.
If you are interested to see how the MATI Trend Signal compares to our other trend signal and you like to see what trend signal matches your risk profile best, read more here.
Claim now your 7 days FREE trial and join the Stock Trend Investing system after that trial for only $57 per quarter (also risk-free since you get our 100% money-back guarantee when you cancel within 60 days of joining) to get instant access to the MATI trend signal for the S&P 500 and 14 other major stock market indices to grow your savings and protect your wealth.