December 2011
Market Timing Strategy
Submitted by Van Beek on December 21, 2011 - 07:03
Market timing has a bad reputation... which is not completely justified. Opponents say that you cannot be smarter than the market. They argue that you can be lucky a few times but not consistently.
The problem is that the term “market timing” is used for a variety of investing strategies. When you discuss the merits of a market timing strategy, you first want to distinguish between short-term and long-term strategies.
Which Trend Following Book to Read
Submitted by Van Beek on December 12, 2011 - 05:46
Which trend following book to read depends on how you intend to apply what you learn in this book.
There are two different types of readers of trend following books:
- Traders
- Investors
Traders spend a considerable amount of time each day or week on managing their money and trades. They aim to make a living or additional substantial income from trading.
The 5 Trend Following Books by Michael Covel
Submitted by Van Beek on December 6, 2011 - 08:38
Michael Covel has written many books about trend following. Further below you find a list of his most well known books.
Before buying and reading any of the books written by Covel, be aware of what you can expect. Michael Covel is a firm believer and promoter of the trend following idea. His books will tell you why it works and how it works. Do not expect any arguments in the books against trend following that he cannot handle.
S&P 500 Rallies and Still Loses in November 2011
Submitted by SP 500 on December 2, 2011 - 09:05
During periods like now, when markets fluctuate multiple percentages per day, it is easy to lose the overview of the real direction that the market is moving.
Commentary and Trend Observations by Market and Region 2011
Submitted by Van Beek on December 2, 2011 - 08:28Here you find our latest conclusions and commentary on the observed
stock market trends by region and market.
We recommend reading this page on a monthly basis. Do not hesitate to contact us
with your questions and thoughts on what we have written here.
December 2011