SP500 Performance History
In the beginning of 2000, I had a close look at the SP500 performance history. The conclusion was clear. I had to start investing in the stock market. I was making a decent salary, but all my friends were making a fortune with their stock market investments.
It was time that I started to invest my savings in the stock market as well. I took action. The rest is history. The performance of the SP500 in the year 2000 was a minus 10%.
Historical SP500 Returns
To see a larger version of this historical SP500 returns chart, download the attachment at the end of this page or click and drag the chart to a new tab in your browser.
When I reviewed in January 2000, the historical SP500 returns, I came to the conclusion that I was mad not investing in the stock market. I was earning a good wage. But my friends were making way much more money with their stock market investments.
I could no longer stand on the sideline and started to invest my savings in the stock market. We all know what happened after that. The returns of the SP500 in the year 2000 were a minus 10%.