Stock Timing Strategies that Work
Submitted by Van Beek on May 4, 2011 - 04:39How Also You Can Outperform the Stock Market with Sun Tzu’s Art of War
Submitted by Van Beek on January 25, 2011 - 16:27Sun Tzu teaches us in the Art of War about the basics of Trend Investing
Sun Tzu was a Chinese military strategist in the 6th century BC. He wrote the famous book “Art of War”. The book has 13 chapters, each dedicated to a different aspect of warfare. What has this to do with outperforming the stock market, you may ask.
In Chapter 10, Sun Tzu gives us the answer: “He who knows when he can fight and when he cannot, will be victorious.” This quote has been the secret behind how also you can outperform the stock market.
Are you asking your self these 7 important questions when stock investing?
Submitted by Van Beek on April 20, 2010 - 06:20Have you thought through well enough how you want to invest your money in the stock market? Stock investing is a very personal thing when you invest your own money. How you invest depends on the choices you make. It is easy to make these choices undeliberate and end up investing your money in a way that carries different risks than you would like to.
To help us to make our investing choices in a deliberate way, at Stock Trend Investing we ask ourselves 7 important but basic questions on a regular basis. By answering these questions and acting accordingly, we ensure that we invest the way we want to invest.
Trading Strategies
Submitted by Van Beek on March 25, 2010 - 16:37Trading Strategies like Stock Trend Investing offer investors who have little time a proven strategy to get superior returns on the investment of their savings in the stock market.
There are many different trading strategies. The unique element in Stock Trend Investing is that it is specifically developed for people who only want to spend one hour per month on their investments.
Many trading strategies require investors to take action on almost a daily basis. That could be suitable for some, but not for many.
Check out our trend trading blog to see how our strategy fits your expectations.
What is the best stock market strategy for you?
Submitted by Van Beek on November 11, 2009 - 15:21Quick Start Guide - How to Capitalize on Stock Market Trends
This strategy to capitalize on stock market trends does not take a lot of your time. It is simple and straightforward. Its objective is to help you to grow your savings and protect your wealth while saving your time: make great long-term money in the stock market with just one hour per month and avoid the next prolonged market crashes like those in 1987, 2001 and 2008. And it can be free.
In summary, as a Stock Trend Investor, you will use the following approach to grow your savings, profit from downturns and protect your capital: