S&P 500 Performance History and Month-end Trend Signal
Submitted by Van Beek on May 9, 2012 - 12:23The chart below shows the development in the monthly closing price of the S&P 500.
The red and green lines indicate the “Up” and “Down/Warning” signals as generated by the Month-end Trend Signal.
You can download a larger version of the chart below at the bottom of this page. Or click and drag the chart to a new tab in your browser.
S&P 500 Moving Averages Signals
Submitted by Van Beek on May 9, 2012 - 12:21The chart below shows the latest status and the history during the last few years for the following S&P 500 Trend Signals.
The chart has been updated after the closing of April 2012.
S&P 500 Trend Investing and Long-term Market Timing Signals
Submitted by Van Beek on May 9, 2012 - 12:14You can find here the latest
updated long-term
Trend Signals for the S&P 500.
Every month, these S&P 500
Trend Signals are updated.
The last update happened in May 2012 after the closing of April 2012.
Trend Signals for the S&P 500 tell long-term investors when the trend is up and when it is down.
When you want to make money, you want to own or be invested in funds when the trend is up and
do not have any funds or short the market when the trend is down.
Trend Signals Empower You to Make Money in the Stock Market
Submitted by Van Beek on May 17, 2011 - 09:20Simple trend signals let you ride the stock market and grow your savings
Stock market prices move in long-term trends. These trends cannot be predicted, but they can be recognized. You can get signals that indicate the direction of the trend in stock market index prices. And with the right trend signals, you can get a great long-term return on investment of your savings.
Common Questions About Trend Signals
Submitted by Van Beek on March 21, 2011 - 07:47
As one of our readers, you are welcome to send us any questions with regards to Trend Signals for the stock market and long-term investing. You can contact us here. Trend investing is simple, but when you are new to it, you probably will need some clarifications.
Here are a few questions that we received lately. Do not hesitate to send us your questions as well. You get a private answer by email and sometimes we use our answers as well for blog posts like this. Asking questions is always free.
What do the S&P 500 Trend Signals Tell Us Now
Submitted by SP 500 on February 2, 2011 - 05:57
This video shows what the different Trend Signals tell us about the long-term trend in the S&P 500 at this moment.
The video explains also the different trend signals for the S&P 500 that are made available every month free of charge.
If there is something not clear or you have a question related to this video, please leave a comment.
Just looking for market timing signals to make money on the stock market
Submitted by Van Beek on September 23, 2010 - 03:48When I started with my search for what later would become the Stock Trend Investing system, what was I actually looking for? It was not financial freedom or a way to better the world. The thing I wanted was just to find a way to make money and to avoid losing money on the stock market.
I saw that all stocks moved up and down in tandem. I realized that it will be very difficult to do stock picking. There are so many other people doing that. And all that effort is already incorporated in the market price.
The market inefficiencies are not so much in individual stocks. Looking at market movements, I could see that these inefficiencies occur much more often in all stocks together when stock bubbles inflate or deflate.