Trend Investors and Systems with Success

Trend investors and their objective systems
Chose the trend following system that suits you as an investor
Trend Investors can be people or systems. The people are those investors who are applying trend following successfully. Sometimes they share their winning approach as well. The trend investor systems are not always as transparent as the people.
Further below, you will read some more about trend investor systems and our warning about some of these systems. First, you’ll read here more about three respectable Trend Investors, the people.


  1. Van Beek is the founder of the Stock Trend Investing system (and the writer of this blog). Here you can read more about me and here is my Trend Investing blog. Follow me here on Twitter. Stock Trend investing is probably one of the easiest and most transparent trend investor systems out there that is suitable for almost all long-term investors.

  2. Curtis M Faith was one of the original Turtle Traders… and one of the most successful ones. The turtle traders were once a newly formed group of traders who were using a detailed trend following system that they applied especially for commodities.

    Most investors will not be able to copy this approach, but Curtis’ book Way of the Turtle is definitely a recommended read for all.

  3. Michael Covel is author of a number of books on trend following and has published a number of course on the topic. Find here more information on e.g Michael’s original Turtle trader course.


There are two distinct different ends to the spectrum of Trend Investor Systems:
1)      Transparent trend charts and trend signals
2)      Black-box stock picking systems
Many systems have features of both. But in general each system will tend to be more oriented to one of these two types.
The type of system that suits you best is a personal choice. If you are more interested in a stock picking system, we cannot help you, buy please only use systems for which you understand clearly why a particular stock ends up on the buy or sell list.
At Stock Trend Investing we favor transparency, understanding and index funds over individual stocks. The Stock Trend investing system fall thus more in the first category.


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