How to Invest, Featured Reading and Membership Update April 2012
Submitted by Van Beek on April 26, 2012 - 17:02

This week I got the feedback from one of our paying members that he really would like me to publish every month the allocation of my savings over the different types of assets. On his request I did this for the first time in public during March (see here).
Our Stock Trend Investing Gold Members are getting every month the updated long-term trend signals for the Gold price and 15 major stock market indices from the US, Europe, India, Brazil, Australia and China (read more here).
My plan is now to provide the Gold Members also with a monthly overview of what exactly my personal asset allocation is and what changes in this allocation I am making that month. Occasionally I will publish that in a blog post as well.
When writing an investing blog and providing investing related information products, it is not always easy to imagine what others like you exactly would like to know more about. Getting feedback and questions is therefore extremely valuable to me.
Therefore, anyone who is willing to check out our Stock Trend Investing Gold Membership and provide me with constructive feedback, contact me here before 15th May 2012 and you get a free membership for 2 months without any need to sign up.
How to Invest
Take some coffee/tea time to check out the following resources to learn more on how to invest your savings.
To start with, I first want to thank Robert from The College Investor to publish a guest post written by me. Read here “Invest Simply! Unless You are Getting a Degree in Stock Picking”.
If you like visuals and charts and are one of the millions on Pinterest, check out my Stock Investing Ideas board and Economy Understanding board.
Here is a bunch of insightful investing articles.
Yakezie Friends
Find here a few fascinating articles written by some of my Yakezie friends:
· To end it all, find out here how you can get 1147 visits per day to your blog.
Money Infographics is a blog that publishes Infographics about investing, debt, saving and all things money. It is an honor that they decided to re-publish our S&P 500 Stock Investing Infographics. Check them out.
Featured Articles
Posts of the Stock Trend Investing blog have been included during the last few weeks in various round-ups (Carnivals) of great Personal Finance and Investing posts.
Check out these links to broaden your horizon (I’m a little late with this overview):
Enjoy the reading. Comments and questions in the comments are welcome.
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