Stock Trend Signal
A Stock Trend Signal indicates the current trend in the stock market. Stock Trend Investors use stock trend signals to decide when to invest in the stock market and when to sell the equities they hold.
In the Stock Trend Investing system, we have stock trend signals that show us every month if we expect the market index to go “Up”, to go “Down” or to be “Unclear”. An “Unclear” signal means that we do not see a clear trend up or down.
The stock trend signals for individual stock market indices are called Initial Trend Expectations. At Stock Trend Investing, we cover a number of major stock market indices in the US, Europe and Asia.
Every month, the Stock Trend Investing stock trend signals are published in the Gold Member section of the website. The members of our community review in general their stock market investments just once per month. One hour per month is enough for them to get superior returns compared to just buy and hold.
Signals for index funds and mutual funds
Stock Trend Investing provides stock trend signals for mutual funds and index funds that have invested in stocks and that are expected to follow the major stock market indices closely. Investors cannot use our stock trend signals to time investments in bonds and we do not provide stock trend signals for individual stocks or specific mutual funds.
As said before, in the Gold Member section of our website, we publish every month the updated Trend Expectations and we teach our members how to apply Stock Trend Investing.
For more information on our trend trading system, follow our blog and subscribe to our free e-newsletter.