Moving Averages Signals (MAS)

The Moving Averages Signals (MAS) for a stock market index are based upon the daily closing prices of that index.

Example: The 200 day Moving Average for an Index is the average closing price of that index during the last 200 trading days. Trading days are the days that the stock market was open.

Moving Averages Signals (MAS) often compare the Moving Average for a certain period with the Moving Average for a period of a different length. For example the 200-day Moving Average is compared with the 50-day Moving Average.

When these different moving averages are compared over a certain period of time, they occasionally will cross each other. When they cross depends on the development and fluctuations in the underlying index price. Such a crossover can be seen as a signal for a change in the direction of the trend.

Some Moving Averages Signals (MAS) are standard ones that are widely used. Others are proprietary and custom-developed by specialists.



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